Talk that Dr. Carles Soler will impart will focus on the importance of cell morphology in evaluation of semen quality.

The Association of Spanish Veterinarians specialists in small animals (AVEPA) organizes in Zaragoza, from 8 to 9 April, the XV Congress of Veterinary Specialties. It is a meeting point between different interest groups of AVEPA (ethology, ophthalmology, Oncology, dermatology, surgery and reproduction).
The study of the cell morphology is part of the analysis carried out to seminal sample to determine its quality. As well as the analysis of motility, it presents the same problems associated with the subjectivity of the analysis. “Large” or “round” are adjectives used in the classification of cell, being difficult to standardise these concepts. In addition, morphological analysis, so far, has involved, up to now, staining of cells and their associated processes: dehydration, fixing and mounting of histological preparations. This means that cells observed under the microscope have suffered alterations in its architecture.
The technique and the Trumorph® device will be presented at the Congress as a pioneering system in the morphological observation without alteration of the cellular structure, since it is based on the immobilization of cells by the application of pressure and heat on a slide and coverslip. The main objective is to standardize the way of preparation and evaluation of sperm samples, in a way that can be established a new objective and universal classification.
Prof. Carles Soler talk will take place on Thursday 7 April, from 7pm to 8pm in the Veterinary Faculty of Zaragoza.