
PROISER. anonymity of donors

The Bioethics Committee asks the Government to end the anonymity of sperm and ova donors

The Assisted Reproduction Law only provides for reporting the identity of biological parents for medical reasons


The Spanish Bioethics Committee has asked the Government to change the law that regulates assisted reproduction treatments in Spain and to end the anonymity of ova and sperm donors. The proposal, embodied in a report that has been debated for months, aims to prioritize the “interests of children born by assisted reproductive techniques.” Although the petition is not retroactive, it would not affect children already born.

Spanish reproductive medicine not only meets the needs of the indigenous population but has also become the best international destination for fertility treatment. The quality of the treatments is one of the reasons why Spanish medical centres are chosen, but also the anonymity of donors. In several countries this has already disappeared and with it has brought a gigantic drop in the donation of gametes.

Until now, only the age and blood group of the donors were communicated to the recipients, but the bioethical organism considering another perspective that “it can only be up to the child of these techniques to decide whether or not he wants to know and to what extent”.

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