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Influence of the microbiota of the reproductive tracts of females and males of the sheep species on their fertility

Using the technique of massive sequencing, interesting results over the influence of the microbiota of the reproductive tracts of females and males of the sheep species on their fertility. Artificial insemination (AI) is an essential tool in genetic improvement programs, especially in dairy ruminants. In sheep, AI fertility has low percentages ranging between 30% and […]

How do you do stain to evaluate sperm morphology?

For the correct visualization of a sperm sample it is important to know how to stain to evaluate sperm morphology. Approximately 15% of couples have infertility problems. Morphology is an important parameter for successful fertilization.

Sperm analysis CASA system: ISAS V1

A sperm analysis CASA system is one whose fundamental objective is to perform an accurate analysis, based on the repetition and performed automatically, of some parameters that appear in a sperm sample.

Combined effect of counting chamber and diluent on sperm kinematics

The evaluation of sperm motion is crucial for processing of seminal doses for artificial insemination. The evaluation of sperm motion is crucial for processing of seminal doses for artificial insemination. Here, the combined effect of the type and capture area of three counting chambers, together with the type of diluent employed, on sperm motility was […]

ISASP – The most successful solution for evaluation of seminal samples

A system for evaluation of seminal samples that will help you save a lot of time in the analysis of your samples for the doses that you need. Proiser provides you with a series of solutions for the evaluation of seminal samples of any kind. As we have previously showed, our ISASv1 software is multi-species […]

Spermiogram and sperm head morphometry assessed by multivariate cluster analysis results during adolescence

Spermiogram and sperm head morphometry assessed by multivariate cluster analysis results during adolescence (12-18 years) and the effect of varicocele. Volunteers between 150 and 224 months of age, who had reached oigarche by 12 years old, were recruited in the area of Barranquilla, Colombia. Genetic, environmental, and nutritional factors have a great influence on the […]

How sexual competition can affect the function and quality of sperm

The presence of a rival male influences the quality of sperm, according to research led by the University of Alicante (UA) and the University of Upsala (Sweden). The presence of a rival male influences the quality of sperm, according to research led by the University of Alicante (UA) and the University of Upsala (Sweden). This […]

PROISER R+D strengthens its presence in Latin America, attending at the VII AVEMERE Congress

The Venezuelan Association of Reproductive Medicine (In spanish, AVEMERE), has organized the 7th edition of its congress, in Caracas. Many specialists has assisted from Japan, Argentina, Uruguay, and Mexico. This meeting has been an opportunity to approximate the company to Venezuela. Our colleagues Almudena Garcia and Daznia Bompart have travelled to Caracas, to present our […]